AD Simulator Installation by Project

NTT-data mission leave on 9-10th Sep.

Handover Ceremony on 8th Sep.


17:00 Opening by Project

17:05 Demonstration by TF1 ATC / instractors

17:15 Handover equpiment from JICA to TAN

17:20 Closing by TAN (1st DDG)

17:25 Group Photo

Opening Presentation
20170908 AD-Sim handover.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.6 MB

Handover Certificates

Inspection Report for Engineer's  Works Completion

Inspected by JICA on 2017/9/8
Inspection Report for Eng-work Completio
Adobe Acrobat Document 539.6 KB

Maintenance flows and reporting form

Opening Presentation by Project on 4th Sep.

20170904 AD-Sim Opening.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.7 MB

Participants agreed to change the training schedules as follows.

User Training-1: 4-5 Sep.

Maintenance Training + including User part: 6-7 Sep. (with Ru/En interpriter)

Initial H/W & S/W Configration as of 1st Sep.

Technical Inspection by JICA on 1st Sep.

Typical scenario of UTDD

Installation by NTT-Data on 30 Aug-1st Sep.

Arrival at DYU and briefing on 30th Aug.

Layout plan and cabeling material by Project

Cargo Receiving on 1st Aug. by Project

55" 4K UHD Display and Stands by Project

New AD Simulator Room in ACC by TAN